火辣A young soldier killed in Vietnam inexplicably shows up to his family home one night.
火辣A young soldier killed in Vietnam inexplicably shows up to his family home one night.
回复 :本片改编自俄国文豪托尔斯泰的同名作品《战争与和平》,围绕1812年俄国卫国战争为中心,以贵族小姐娜塔莎(柳德米拉·萨维里耶娃 Lyudmila Savelyeva饰)、贵族青年皮埃尔(谢尔盖·邦达尔丘克 Sergei Bondarchuk饰)和安德烈公爵(维亚切斯拉夫·吉洪诺夫 Vyacheslav Tikhonov饰)三人的情感故事为线索,反映了1805年至1820年的重大事件,展示了当时俄国社会的风貌。本部1968年前苏联版的《战争与和平》耗时五年完成,耗资高达5亿6000万美元,堪称影史上最昂贵的影片,在苏联电影史上有着举足轻重的地位。影片拍摄得到了苏联军方的大力协助,在世界影史上,本片成为动用临时演员最多的影片之一。这部长达六个半小时的宏伟巨制,以其宏大的场面和史诗般的镜头语言,完美地呈现了俄法战争时期俄罗斯大地广阔的历史画卷,也极其忠实地再现了托尔斯泰的长篇巨著。
回复 :王小鹏是个富家子弟,却最恨别人说他是公子哥,他一心要证明自己有独立的能力,不论是在生活上还是工作上。艾晴从小学习绘画,除了画画几乎什么事都不会干,但她一点不担心,因为总会有人帮她把别的事情帮好,特别是嫁给王小鹏之后,老公无微不至的关怀使她感到非常安全。婆婆张倩却在一个意想不到的日子里突袭而来,把正在熟睡的艾晴逮个正着,这回家里乱糟糟的境像、两个人没有规律的生活全被发现了。张倩拿出早已准备好的协议,要小两口签署,上面写得明白,一个月之后,要是小两口的生活状态还没有改善,就得回去住。
回复 :811 AD, a family, isolated in their home, deep in the woods a few days travel from Birka. They are poor. The hunting and fishing has been bad for some time, and the father, Joar, takes the desperate measure of going on a Viking raid. Joar does not return for a long time, and the family starts to fear he never will. Runa, the oldest daughter, takes over her fathers chores in his absence. She misses him dearly and nourishes a tender hope that he, once again, will return to them. But in her heart, somehow she knows, that the suffering of the family has just begun. There is something in the air, something in the water, the wind and in the soil. Runa is becoming aware of something vile, something dangerous out in the forest. One day when she is out hunting, she finds a bleeding man, a warrior, almost unconscious. She brings him inside and the family tend to his wounds. As he heals, she realizes he is sent to protect the family from an approaching evil. And he brings news of her father.