回复 :本片是对演员贾宏声在上世纪九十年代整十年不堪回首岁月的真实再现,并由贾宏声本人及其家人回归各自相应身份参与回首。贾宏声本是年轻有为的优秀演员,从1987年到1993年,他主演了《夏日的期待》、《银蛇谋杀案》、《北京你早》和《周末情人》等将近十部电影,渐渐小有名气。这期间,他接触并疯狂爱上了摇滚乐,视BEATLES乐队的约翰•列侬为精神之父,然而同时,他也接触了并非摇滚精神内核的大麻和软性毒品。自此,他不再接戏,性格变得极端、偏执和歇斯底里,无法再与其他人相处。其远在东北四平的父母为了不让儿子继续沉沦,提前退休把整个家搬到北京,随后的一切,都像一场似乎没有尽头的战争。贾宏声于2010年7月5日下午坠楼身亡,时年43岁。
回复 :In the nuclear ravaged wasteland of Earth 2087 water is as precious as life itself. The isolated Lost Wells outpost survived the holocaust and the inhabitants guard the source of their existence. Now an evil cult of renegades want control of their valuable water supply. And the villagers are no match for such brute military force. Only one man can help the stricken community - a mercenary living in a distant cannibal city. But even he, and his strange henchmen, may not be able to survive in the world gone wild.
回复 :Teenage boys discover discipline and camaraderie on an ill-fated sailing voyage.