午夜A couple living in a Los Angeles suburb is compelled to take dangerous actions when they discover the police officer that has just murdered an unarmed motorist is their next door neighbor.
午夜A couple living in a Los Angeles suburb is compelled to take dangerous actions when they discover the police officer that has just murdered an unarmed motorist is their next door neighbor.
回复 :生活在一个幸福家庭的母亲和幼子在一次车祸中丧生,父亲和年长的儿子Jonas在这次事故中幸存下来. 现在他们不得不一起继续面对未来的生活...这是一部瑞典本土的伦理亲情电影,北欧那清新的空气,空旷美丽的自然风景下印趁着人物,悠扬悦耳的歌声下人物的生活...◎ 获奖情况:该片荣获2007年瑞典最高的国家电影奖项Guldbagge Awards的观众奖, 并获得最佳男演员提名
回复 :富家千金丁香,与出身低微的长工沈大桥相恋,但因身份悬殊被母亲拆散。为寻求真爱,丁香做了落跑新娘,离家出走去寻找恋人,当她历经艰辛与沈大桥重逢,但此时的他已是国家叛徒,在真爱与正义之间,她该如何诀择? [2]富商之女丁香与长工的儿子沈大桥相爱,却遭丁母强烈反对,无奈沈大桥远走参军,丁香另许他人。新婚之日,她逃婚去寻找大桥。阴差阳错,丁香邂逅了地下党员方志良,并得知大桥已经牺牲。悲痛之余,丁香决定加入抗日队伍。 一次,在执行任务时,丁香发现伪政府的高官李振山酷似沈大桥,几经波折,丁香证实李振山就是沈大桥。看到昔日的恋人如今成为众人唾弃的叛徒,丁香于是好言劝导李振山回头是岸,但沈大桥不愿放弃日本人给予他的金钱和地位,丁香心寒绝望。 于是,曾经的恋人成为水火不容的对手。那么,丁香如何继续她的抗战道路?沈大桥将落得怎样的下场?
回复 :Tom Sizemore plays Jack Durant, a dynamic and dangerous gentleman who runs the most famous steakhouse in the city. He caters to movie stars, politicians and mobsters. He knows all their secrets but does anyone really know the man they call Jack Durant