回复 :内向羞涩的日高拓也(水桥研二 饰),暗恋同样隶属北绫高中剑道部的美丽少女北原纱月(つぐみ 饰),由于羞于启齿,拓也只能对着纱月的随身物品和相片自渎,以解相思之苦。因偶然机缘两人确立恋爱关系,不过却因为纱月发现拓也偷录自己小便时的声音而导致恋情破裂。分手后,纱月很快便和剑道部前辈植松正一(草野康太 饰)相恋。孤独的拓也此时就像被抛弃的小狗一般,远远注视着纱月,而纱月似乎也从中体味到虐待的快感,从肉体到精神恣意折磨着拓也。他们畸形的爱情越走越远……改编自喜国雅彦同名漫画作品。
回复 :His passion for combat sports wasn't keeping him alive so survival mode kicked in for Michael and he was forced to take normal jobs, including working in factories, slaughterhouses, demolition companies; in addition to working as an upholsterer, postman, tiler, plasterer, and salesman. In his later years though, Michael's career as a UFC fighter would take off and he would become one of the sports fan favorites, but with any combat sport comes the shrapnel of getting kicked and punched in the face on a nightly basis. In a controversial fight against the steroid-induced Victor Belfort, the unthinkable would happen to change the course of Bisping's life forever. He would suffer a detached retina from a blow and kick to the head that would disfigure and scar the fighter forever, threatening to end a career he has sacrificed everything for. With a wife and kids that love him, they plead for the battered and bruised fighter to hang up the gloves, as they feel he has nothing left to prove. But in the end that decision is left to only one man: Michael Bisping.
回复 :四年前的纽约市,蟑螂扩散的病毒造成瘟疫,差点将市内儿童灭绝,在公立学校任教的昆虫专家李美(艾莉丝高朗士Alix Koromzay饰)想出以毒攻毒方法:利用蚂蚁及白蚁的DNA研制一种取名「犹太」的新品种蟑螂,借着「犹太」体内的特殊分泌消灭蟑螂的体液,利用它们充当诱饵出卖肆虐的同类,「犹太」潜入蟑螂邋遢的栖息地把带菌蟑螂一网打垮,病毒最后亦得以控制。破坏计划看似空前成功,人类在四年后的今天还以为顽固的蟑螂绝迹人间,可是,并非所有「犹太」的也在预期中百多日寿命限期内死亡,部份变种成新种类,这种超智版蟑螂能模仿人类,牠们杀害人类后,把受害者的面皮戴上,穿上大褛及利用两条后腿走路,牠们在李美的残破学校及黑暗的地铁管道匿藏。与此同时,多宗残酷凶杀案的死者均是李美的的前男友,警方认为李美的嫌疑最大,遂派遣自以为聪颖过人的探员卡拉斯基\对李美进行调查。卡拉斯基起初也对李美充满怀疑,但他却不相信身型普通的李美,有足够力气在杀人后撕走前男友的面皮,再把尸体挂上高架灯柱之上。史上最巨大的无敌蟑螂再度变成杀人怪物,肯定对全人类安全构成威胁,李美只好再次迎战!