回复 :小人物,大感动。情感访谈节目《寻情记》立足普通人的冷暖人生,用情感这一永恒话题连接观众的共鸣,开播以来收视不断上扬,品牌价值已开始显山露水。自开办以来,凭借高收视率,《寻情记》栏目连续两次被评为“湖南省广播电视局最佳栏目”。
回复 :From spy dolphin to spy tuna and turtle, for the first time an underwater menagerie of spy creatures infiltrate the secret world of dolphins. Swimming alongside some of the most captivating and clever animals on the planet, these new spies are always on the move – catching the waves with surfing bottlenose dolphins and speeding with a megapod of spinner dolphins.From the team at John Downer Productions that brought you the unforgettable Penguins – Spy In The Huddle, this is one of the nation’s favourite animals seen as never before.John Downer says: “Unlike Penguin-cams, this time our spy creatures had to keep pace with fast-moving dolphins, often out in the deep ocean. The dolphins were very curious about their new neighbours and allowed them into their lives.”A new two-part series, narrated by David Tennant, the series producer is John Downer and the producer is Rob Pilley.
回复 :故事发生在遥远的未来,彼时,地球已经被人类所制造的污染破坏殆尽,更有污染产生了邪恶怪兽横行占领了人类的生存空间。无奈之下,人类只能移居到了拥有独立意识的“自律型移动都市”之中,而这些都市之间,则为了争夺少之又少的资源而展开了激烈的争斗。在学院都市洁儿尼中发生了一场骚乱,刚刚入学就读于普通教育系的新生雷冯(冈本信彦 配音)在混乱之中展现了自己出色的应变和战斗的能力,因此被学生会长发掘,转入了武技系,更获得了加入都市护卫第十七小队的资格。外冷内热沉默寡言的菲丽、恪尽职守坚韧强悍的妮娜、个性轻浮但十分可靠的夏尼德,这些奋战在前线的伙伴们,为了守护他们赖以生存的都市,甘愿付出血的代价。