去年在推特上发生的著名灵异恐怖事件“亲爱的大卫”将被改变成电影,黄色根据推特用户 Adam Ellis他几个月来被一个小男孩鬼魂骚扰的经历进行改编。目前Buzzfeed请到了《小丑回魂》的制片人来制作这一项目。
去年在推特上发生的著名灵异恐怖事件“亲爱的大卫”将被改变成电影,黄色根据推特用户 Adam Ellis他几个月来被一个小男孩鬼魂骚扰的经历进行改编。目前Buzzfeed请到了《小丑回魂》的制片人来制作这一项目。
回复 :Two sisters go diving at a beautiful, remote location. One of the sisters is struck by a rock, leaving her trapped 28 meters below. With dangerously low levels of oxygen and cold temperatures, it is up to her sister to fight for her life.
回复 :张扬敢拼的磊乐(郭富城 饰)与内敛善谋的南江(梁朝伟 饰),在因缘际会下携手,破除旧规,立威造势,在磊乐太太蔡真(杜鹃 饰)的斡旋下,成为黑白两道人人皆知的“双雄探长”,二人自此叱咤香港三十年。然而在表面的平静与制衡之下,火并、谋杀、背叛、夺权……暗流涌动,一触即发!
回复 :Two Fearless Men Getting Stung and Bit by the Most Dangerous Animals in the World to Create the Ultimate Guide to Measuring Pain.