回复 :After eight years of marriage, Robert and Nina divorce. He takes up with his womanising Navy buddy Charlie Nelson while she looks to her interfering mother for guidance. Both start dating other people, but although they try and ignore each other whenever they accidentally meet, it is obvious the past is not dead. Then one night they find themselves in a nightclub doing the mambo together.
回复 :地球歷經一場毀滅性的災難,作為孤獨的倖存者,茱利葉必須努力尋找物資和住所。在一次前往鄰近廢城的途中,她發生翻車意外陷入昏迷,醒來後發現自己身陷漆黑荒漠,腿斷了,飢餓口渴,還有不明生物逼近。而這一切現實,都似乎和她的過去有著神祕的連結,往日的情感回憶也逐漸浮現⋯⋯。曾與昆汀塔倫提諾、克林伊斯威特、伍迪艾倫等重量級導演合作過的馬帝厄圖里初執導演筒,看似《惡靈古堡》遇見《瘋狂麥斯》卻成了寓意深長的末日情詩。讓回憶與現實、文明與崩毀,激盪出意想不到的結局。美麗的女主角布列塔尼阿什沃思大半部戲都被困在車內,卻憑著精湛的演技,隔著一扇車門,和專扮阿飄的著名「鬼星」傑維爾伯特(《錄到鬼》、《母侵》、《腥紅山莊》、《牠》)演出令人屏息的對手戲。
回复 :Haunted by the memory of Walter Holderlin, a soldier he killed during World War I, French musician Paul Renard (Phillips Holmes) confesses to a priest (Frank Sheridan), who grants him absolution. Using the address on a letter he found on the dead man's body, Paul then travels to Germany to find his family.As anti-French sentiment continues to permeate Germany, Dr. Holderlin (Lionel Barrymore) initially refuses to welcome Paul into his home, but changes his mind when his son's fiancée Elsa identifies him as the man who has been leaving flowers on Walter's grave. Rather than reveal the real connection between them, Paul tells the Holderlin family he was a friend of their son, who attended the same musical conservatory he did.Although the hostile townspeople and local gossips disapprove, the Holderlins befriend Paul, who finds himself falling in love with Elsa (Nancy Carroll). When she shows Paul her former fiancé's bedroom, he becomes distraught and tells her the truth. She convinces him not to confess to Walter's parents, who have embraced him as their second son, and Paul agrees to forego easing his conscience and stays with his adopted family. Dr. Holderlin presents Walter's violin to Paul, who plays it while Elsa accompanies him on the piano.The film's original title, The Man I Killed, was changed to The Fifth Commandment to avoid giving "wrong impressions in the minds of the public about the character of the story." It ultimately was released as Broken Lullaby.