回复 :世界第一的暗杀者投胎成暗杀世家的长男重生了。 他在异世界接下的任务只有一项──「杀了被预言会带给人类灾厄的『勇者』」。 为完成这项 高贵任务,暗杀者带著美丽的随从们于异世界暗中活动。 在现代曾让万般暗杀方式变得可行的广泛知识及经验, 还有暗杀者家族被誉为异世界最强的秘术与魔法。 一切都相辅相成,使他逐步成为史上无人能及的暗杀者──
回复 :纪录片《历史那些事》是由哔哩哔哩、无奇不有出品的一部历史文化纪录片。第一季它以传统纪录片配合创意中插的形式,发掘历代史料中的有趣故事,为观众呈现了一部真实鲜活的历史。第二季将由金铁木担任总导演,风格上,将加强纪录片和小剧场的之间的区分度,纪录片部分将更加纪录片化,严谨细致地展示来自正史和古籍中的历史;小剧场部分则创意诙谐,形式多样,包括:史诗级说唱、默片、邵氏武侠片、脱口秀、MV、古风宅舞、热门综艺、日和短剧、热门广告等,各种脑洞大开的形式。历史那些事第二季,增添了许多更有话题性和知识性的选题,同时,制作水平升级,从镜头到音乐、从拍摄到剪辑都十分用心。历史从未如此有趣!历史那些事第二季,上B站,有你好看!
回复 :共三集:1.隐匿的王道 2.生命中的化合 3.生命的火花The Cell In a three-part series, Dr Adam Rutherford tells the extraordinary story of the scientific quest to discover the secrets of the cell and of life itself. Every living thing is made of cells, microscopic building blocks of almost unimaginable power and complexity. “I am normally not a lover of scientific docu’s but this one I found I had to watch all 3 parts back to back”.The Hidden KingdomThe first part explores how centuries of scientific and religious dogma were overturned by the earliest discoveries of the existence of cells, and how scientists came to realize that there was, literally, more to life than meets the eye.The Chemistry of LifeThis episode explores how scientists delved ever deeper into the world of the cell, seeking to reveal the magic ingredient that can spark a bundle of chemicals into life. Their discoveries have brought us to the brink of being able to create life for ourselves.The Spark of LifeThe final part reveals how our knowledge of cells has brought us to the brink of one of the most important moments in history. Scientists are close to repeating what has happened only once in four billion years - the creation of a new life form.