机动剧场After a global neurological epidemic, those who remain search for meaning and connection in a world without memory.
机动剧场After a global neurological epidemic, those who remain search for meaning and connection in a world without memory.
回复 :Investigative documentary filmmaker Alex Gibney—best known for 2008’s Oscar-winning Taxi to the Dark Side, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, and at least a dozen others—turns his sights on the 1994 Loughinisland massacre, a cold case that remains an open wound in the Irish peace process. The families of the victims—who were murdered while watching the World Cup in their local pub—were promised justice, but 20 years later they still didn’t know who killed their loved ones. Gibney uncovers a web of secrecy, lies, and corruption that so often results when the powerful insist they are acting for the greater good.
回复 :一个研究能源的不出名的法国物理学工作者克莱芒·蒂贝尔,1957年在维也纳出席国际热核会议途中被苏联一个披着交响乐队指挥外衣的克格勃分子鲍利斯绑架去苏联。后来蒂贝尔在克格勃的胁迫下为苏联原子能研究所工作了10多年。16年后,蒂贝尔(化名哈里科夫)作为苏联科学代表团的一名成员,到英国伦敦参观英国新制的热核装置。英国反间谍机关在预谋的车祸中绑架了蒂贝尔,并送到医院打了针剂,使之昏迷。苏联驻英使馆人员匆匆赶到,医生说:“哈已死亡。”不久又伪称已火化。英国当局要蒂贝尔供述混在英国科学家中的克格勃分子,蒂贝尔同意了。这些特务被一一逮捕。英国反间谍机关给了蒂贝尔一笔酬金、一支自卫手枪,让他回法国。克格勃知道蒂贝尔未死并已叛变潜逃,便密令部下追踪,并把他杀死。蒂贝尔一离开英国谍报机关。就处在克格勃的包围之中。他东躲西藏,到处逃命。他逃到法国,在小饭馆里与已改嫁的妻子玛利娅见面,感慨万千。短暂的相会以后,为了逃避克格勃的追踪,又继续逃。他偶然发现鲍利斯也在法国,便冒着最大的危险,乘鲍利斯为日内瓦广播电台录音的时刻,设法混进他的住处,搜出鲍利斯传递情报时用的乐谱作为罪证寄给了法国保安部门。法国当局拘捕了鲍利斯。克格勃无奈,只好不杀死蒂贝尔,以便取得法国释放鲍利斯的交换条件。蒂贝尔以后的命运究竟怎样?看来谁也无法预测。
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