虎尾Zoey Miller, a super smart senior in high school and uninterested in romantic love, has her life turned upside down when Zack, the most popular boy in school, gets amnesia and mistakes Zoey for his girlfriend.
虎尾Zoey Miller, a super smart senior in high school and uninterested in romantic love, has her life turned upside down when Zack, the most popular boy in school, gets amnesia and mistakes Zoey for his girlfriend.
回复 :故事讲述了一群妇女聚集在烟熏桑拿房中,清除羞愧和疼痛的身体上的污垢。该片被选为第 96 届奥斯卡金像奖最佳国际故事片的爱沙尼亚参赛作品。
回复 :无意义的日常生活中的欲望驱使饥饿的人们聚集的地方,爱情每次都让人感到饥饿,寻找失去的幸福的味道,满足麻木的五感的味道,寻找那种味道的记忆的极其平凡的现代人的爱情故事。
回复 :抗战期间,田中清辉乃日本随军记者,受伤之後与军旅失散,流落荒郊赵老爹因独子参军多时,音信杳然,竟然忆子成狂,误以田中清辉为子,强拉回家。赵大妈双目已瞎,闻得爱子受伤归来,又悲又喜,急命媳妇阿翠为田中清辉洗净、包扎伤口。田中清辉深感赵老爹活命之恩,又见两老喜不自胜,不忍揭破真相。田中清辉虽与赵老爹之子长得一模一样,阿翠一望而知并非丈夫,伤心失望;後又得知田中清辉乃日本人,更是深具戒心。