回复 :因为一张存着黑社会贩卖国宝的磁碟不易而飞,整个黑道中掀起一场打杀风波,嘉莉最爱探险活动了,在一次探险中意外拾到磁片,从此惹来了杀身之祸……
回复 :Tom Riley thought he was getting the deal of a lifetime when he bought a house below market value at a Sheriff's sale. He invested every penny he had with the plan of flipping the home for a profit. Once he owned it, however, he noticed strange happenings, all of which were captured on 21 Surveillance Cameras located throughout the home inside and out. At first he thought people were breaking in, but he soon realized he was dealing with something Paranormal.
回复 :本片改编自美国小说家马克贝恩的《冷眼旁观》,讲述一个孤独年迈的私家侦探,在一桩跟踪一个女强盗的过程中,在利用偷窥对她监视时,不知不觉与她发生了奇异的心灵感应。尽管他们未曾面对面,但这背后隐藏着的阴谋被逐渐揭开。