回复 :来自艺术系的大学生们在追求艺术理想的路上,克服重重困难,最终收获爱情、友谊,走近梦想的校园青春励志故事。背景设定在艺术学院雕塑系,故事围绕立志成为雕塑家的高冷学霸秦深、怀揣油画梦的少女原浅两位主角展开。
回复 :吉泽未来(伊藤麻里香 饰)在当地电视台“Pテレ”担任综艺节目助理制作人,度过了忙碌的日子。她不断地提交提案,希望有一天能够转入剧组。一天,她接到制作经理的电话,得知她的剧作项目已获批准。但当导演问未来“我们可以让这个项目的主角是残疾人吗?”时备受打击。尽管未来令人困惑,但该项目仍以使用残疾演员为条件继续推进。起初,未来想拍一部娱乐性强的校园剧,并为此进行调查走访。最终,她遇到了坐在轮椅上的女高中生宫岛春(和合由依 饰)。立志成为演员的春对未来产生了一种奇怪的吸引力,提议出演她的剧作,但春拒绝了:“我不想让我的残缺被利用。”无法放弃的未来参观了春所属剧团“S”的排练厅,但是……
回复 :Every summer, teenage girls from across Missouri spend a week building a government from the ground up. Coming from different ends of the political and socioeconomic spectrum, they all share a passion for reimagining the future of America. The filmmakers behind Boys State (T/F 2020) return to the world of teen politics to capture the 2022 program – the first time in history that Girls State and Boys State take place simultaneously on the same campus. With rumors of Roe v. Wade being overturned in the real world, the stakes feel higher than ever for these ambitious and dedicated young women. As the days unfold and rumblings from the Boys program make their way across campus, discontent begins to emerge over the disparities between the two. An exhilarating portrait of our political landscape and the pivotal issue of gender equality.