回复 :Will & Grace are best friends. Will is a gay lawyer and Grace is a straight interior designer. They both live in New York. Grace is engaged to a real jerk, but when that relationship falls apart, she moves in with Will. This is only supposed to be until Grace finds a place of her own, but she and Will end up with each other as permanent roommates. Also in the cast are Jack, Will's flamboyant gay friend and Karen, Graces' secretary/assistant who doesn't really need to work because she married money several times.
回复 :
回复 :翁盛芬(刘兆铭 饰)和万永昌(周骢 饰)本是情同手足的表兄弟,却因为利益纠葛而闹得水火不容。最终,翁家长子翁以进(郭晋安 饰)提出了让步,用公司的股份换取了万家老字号面店的铺位,并且收纳了王永昌和他的儿子万家丰(郭晋安 饰)进入管理层,共同打理公司事业。两家人表面上已经和解,但内地里依旧暗流涌动。万家丰横刀夺爱,迎娶了翁以进曾经的女友高慧婷(郭少芸 饰),这件事情让翁以进的内心里一直耿耿于怀,与此同时,翁以进的弟弟翁以行(吴卓羲 饰)和万家二小姐万家富(徐子珊 饰)之间竟然产生了感情,这令翁以进感到格外头痛。