故事发生在90年代,穷山Sam因为同性恋身份而在学校被同学霸凌,穷山她结识了性感迷人的女闺蜜,女闺蜜和她发展出了亲密关系,但却拒绝她的亲吻,而且只要Sam一回亲自己立马制止,很快女同学有了男朋友,Sam很生气,再一次派对中,她被风骚的大姐姐当成了男孩子差点来了场野战,而另一个可爱的女孩Nick经过,因为与Nick的结识,Sam打开了姬世界的大门... 并也逐渐开始认同自己。@橘里橘气译制组
故事发生在90年代,穷山Sam因为同性恋身份而在学校被同学霸凌,穷山她结识了性感迷人的女闺蜜,女闺蜜和她发展出了亲密关系,但却拒绝她的亲吻,而且只要Sam一回亲自己立马制止,很快女同学有了男朋友,Sam很生气,再一次派对中,她被风骚的大姐姐当成了男孩子差点来了场野战,而另一个可爱的女孩Nick经过,因为与Nick的结识,Sam打开了姬世界的大门... 并也逐渐开始认同自己。@橘里橘气译制组
回复 :一段时间内,社会上接连发生两起猎奇杀人案。死者均为妙龄女子,她们的尸体均被凶手用特殊手法冷冻过,事后被穿上华丽夸张的制服公然丢弃,宛如被人随意摆布的玩偶。刑警队长方友为(任达华 饰)和搭档严晓童(颖儿 饰)、新入职的警官肖凯(袁弘 饰)展开调查。他们发现两位死者十年前曾是大学同学,也在同一个Cosplay俱乐部待过,方友为据此接近二人的同学周瑾(徐若瑄 饰)。周瑾的出现无疑将案件引向了新的方向,而她似乎也即将成为下一个被杀害的目标。躲在暗处的凶手磨刀霍霍,狞笑着向他仇恨多年的女人们展开无情报复。道德沦丧的时代,无所畏惧,命若草芥……
回复 :The setting is Vienna in 1914 before the outbreak of war. The aristocratic and somewhat jaded Prince Nicki, pursued by all the ladies, begins a flirtation with Mitzi, a crippled harpist who works in a suburban wine-garden, and who is in turn idolized by Schani, an uncouth and violently jealous butcher. Their first encounter significantly takes place in front of St. Stephen's Cathedral on Corpus Christi day, with Nicki among the emperor's cavalry regiment. Later, in the refracted light of falling apple blossoms in the wine-garden--scenes of a distilled, ethereal beauty--Nicki gradually wins her faith and love. Meanwhile, amidst the sumptuous and corrupt milieu of the family palace, Nicki is drawn into complicity against his will, as his unscrupulous mother informs him he must marry Cecelia, the daughter of a wealthy commoner, in order to revive the family fortune. Mitzi has a vision of The Iron Man (a symbol of the declining power and position of the Hapsburg dynasty) and falls before the crucifix in fear; but her love remains steadfast, and she protests her faith though abused by her mother and Schani. Infuriated by her rejection, Schani threatens to kill Nicki on his wedding day unless Mitzi agrees to marry him. Following the processional splendor of the cathedral wedding, Schani appears to carry out his threat, but Mitzi arrives in time to stop him; and through the downpouring rain Nicki sadly gazes on his true love in the crowd as he drives away with his bride.
回复 :丽兹(拉妲·米契尔 Radha Mitchell 饰)和皮特(John Dore 饰)结婚多年,两人之间的感情一直都十分要好,他们非常渴望拥有属于他们的后代,可遗憾的是,这个想法一直都没能够实现。安迪(米歇尔·莫娜汉 Michelle Monaghan 饰)是丽兹最好的朋友,个性奔放的她在一次一夜情之后意外怀孕了,她决定生下这个孩子将他送给丽兹抚养,以圆好友的梦想。丽兹将这一消息告诉了皮特,没想到皮特的反应却并没有她想象中的那样开心,就在皮特半推半就的接受了这个孩子的同时,安迪就已经大大咧咧的住进了丽兹家中。不仅如此,皮特刚刚从戒毒所里出来的弟弟此时也搬进了丽兹家。