回复 :Perú: tesoro escondido is a documentary genre film about the secrets of Perú. The millinery culture of their ancestors, the beautiful landscapes, the tourist places and other places not yet discovered by the tourism and culinary culture, one of the richest in the world, stands out in this story. The documentary tells a story of a journey through culinary culture, beaches, the Amazon and the cultural heritage of the civilizations that inhabited Peru. Throughout the film, part of the geography and society of Peru is portrayed. The documentary focuses on five main areas: culinary culture, beaches, the Cordillera, the Amazon and the cultural heritage of ancient civilizations. This story focuses on highlighting the best known icons of the country, such as Machu Picchu, and others not so well known and difficult to access. The film is dressed with impressive images of the Ica desert and the sunrise in the Amazon jungle.
回复 :韩半岛6.1级地震之后,引发了位于釜山地区的1号原子能发电站爆炸,核电站陷入了危机。大规模强震引发的爆炸导致核电站出现裂缝,放射性物质泄漏事故发生。毫无预警的灾难,令韩半岛被混乱恐慌笼罩。就连一直坚信可以预警灾难的塔台也处于即将颠覆的状态。核能泄露的恐怖渐渐席卷而来,甚至还可能诱发第二次爆炸。核电站工作人员与居民、消防人员展开救灾行动,然而下一轮爆炸的威胁已经袭来。
回复 :影片讲述了一对身份天差地别的姐弟恋情侣甜蜜又热辣的爱情故事。海归泡芙(张歆艺 饰)在闺蜜Party上邂逅了外卖小哥顾上(王栎鑫 饰),在混乱中两人逃离现实,共同度过了奇妙的一夜。随后大胆果敢的泡芙对好学生顾上展开了疯狂的追求,短暂接触后,二人秘密闪婚,开始了一场惊险刺激的童话冒险。