回复 :Set in 19th century Imperial Russia, the story revolves around a retired army veteran who makes a good living by settling duels for aristocrats, a common practice of the era.
回复 :周鵬(張展鵬)為報父仇,欲將神捕諸葛森(王龍威)的貪污證據送交包公查辦,結果惹來連串追殺,逼得投靠表兄包妥(小侯)。林家大少奶(李麗麗)被男鬼杜洛(龍天翔)所迷,終被殺;其鬼魂要求鵬及妥二人帶其上路,到開封找公孫先生(楊志卿)相助消滅杜鬼魂。鵬二人在路上吃盡苦頭,逼得借助大少奶的鬼符前往賭場贏取路費,其間更與戲子吳順超(傅聲)一同上路。此時,賭場老闆羅五海要取鬼符、神捕諸葛率手下埋伏,杜之鬼魂一直緊盯,鵬等人與鬼危在旦夕
回复 :Quinn, A Painter & Bartender wakes up one morning with a gun in his hand & his girlfriend dead on the floor... He has 2 different choices he can make, each with their own set of consequences... Either call 911 and clean this mess up or don't call anybody and clean it up himself... Only problem is in his state of mind he can't tell which one is right & which is wrong!