回复 :车站的月台,一位中年男子正准备跳轨自杀。但在关键时刻,他被名叫黑崎(山下智久饰)的男子救下。自杀未遂的男子还在神情恍惚之际,黑崎冷酷的说出“大叔,你踩到我的钱了”这样的话语。自杀的男子被月台上的吉川冰柱(堀北真希饰)认出,并质问为何自杀,男子说出“我被欺诈师欺骗了”的奇怪话语。黑崎提出帮男子讨回被骗的钱,并自报家门“我的名字是黑崎,职业是欺诈师。那些欺骗你的黑鹭,我会把他吃了”。冰柱并不信任眼前的男子,但她不知道,自己已经被卷入一场欺诈师之间勾心斗角的战争之中。
回复 :When two bodies are discovered by the side of a fishing stream, Barnaby and Troy have yet more murders to solve. Isobel Hewitt had a zest for life that some can only hope for. She loves to drive her red Jaguar at top speed and generally enjoyed the finer things in life. Although loved by many, there were those who weren't quite so charmed by her. Margaret Seagrove was convinced that she was the member of the local fishing club using weighted lures in the local stream. Her nephew and his wife, with whom she resided, saw her as a burden now that she had spent most of her accumulated capital. The second victim is the local doctor, Duncan Goff, a well-known philanderer who had affairs with many of the local ladies. The police must first determine if both were intended victims or if one was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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