回复 :Filmmaker and gay activist Sridhar Rangayan embarks on a personal journey to expose the human rights violations faced by the LGBTQ community in India due to a draconian law Section 377 and homophobic social mores of a patriarchal society. The gritty documentary BREAKING FREE features searing testimonies of gay and transgender persons who have been victimized or exploited, as well as wide-ranging interviews with advocates and activists. See-sawing between despair and joy, anguish and hope, the film offers an insider view of the Indian LGBTQ community and is a documentation of its movement from invisibility to empowerment.
回复 :一个美国女大学生桑德拉(斯嘉丽·约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 饰),为了替学校报纸寻找独家新闻,来到英国伦敦采访一个电影导演。在调查和采访的过程中,她参加了魔术师希德(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)一次魔术戏法表演,在密闭的箱中她遇见了一个离世 的资深记者鬼魂。记者生前是一个为了拿到独家新闻无所不尽其用的人。他在去往阴间的船上从一个被害的前任秘书口中得知“塔罗牌杀手”竟然是英俊多金的贵族彼得(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰)。他不想让这有爆炸性的新闻埋葬,于是找上桑德拉希望她帮他完成心愿。面对这个千载难逢的机会,桑德拉决定深入虎穴,拉上魔术师希德假扮父女混进上流社会,接近彼得。事情顺利得令人惊讶,桑德拉与彼得成了甜蜜的一对。然而塔罗牌杀手又继续行动……
回复 :Ranas家族是一个富裕的父权制家庭,他们渴望通过一个男婴的诞生来延续家族血统。此时,他们的小儿子秘密加入了一家色情舞蹈剧院,并爱上了一个雄心勃勃的变性女星。两人间无法开花结果的爱情故事将逐渐唤醒整个Ranas家族的性爱欲望。