软妹Going back to his hometown of Crawley, England, Romesh Ranganathan will talk about vegan-ism, his kids - and offers a peek into the making of his comedy special.
软妹Going back to his hometown of Crawley, England, Romesh Ranganathan will talk about vegan-ism, his kids - and offers a peek into the making of his comedy special.
回复 :"The Amazing Race" celebrates travelling one million miles around the world when the 32nd race kicks off from Los Angeles.
回复 :In trying to comprehend our universe, just how big is big? How far is far? This users guide to the cosmos will bring the incomprehensible down to a human scale such as Venus melting a tank, the density of a black hole compared to 1000 cars in a Coke can, and the comets in the Solar System equated to grains of sugar weighing half a ton.
回复 :广东阳江,一座巨型“水晶宫”坐落在海边,里面存放着一艘古沉船——南海一号。从船舱中清理出文物18万件,全方位描绘出一个生动鲜活的“南宋”。1987年7月,一次中英联合打捞意外出水247件瓷器和金器等。经鉴定,发现这些器物应来自一条宋元时期的古沉船。1989年,中日两国组成水下考古队,再一次对沉船遗址进行探查。虽然找到了沉船位置,却由于海况和资金原因,不得不终止。再次探查,竟是十二年后。再度搏击风浪,考古队员是否能够揭开沉船真容?