高中三年级的筒井光是所谓的御宅族少年。 只要有游戏或动画里的二次元女生的话,日本感觉就能独自一人生活了……。 但,日本他突然被超绝3D(现实)美少女·五十岚色叶告白,并开始和她交往! 在被奔放的色叶玩弄于股掌之间的同时,筒井逐渐爱上了她……。
高中三年级的筒井光是所谓的御宅族少年。 只要有游戏或动画里的二次元女生的话,日本感觉就能独自一人生活了……。 但,日本他突然被超绝3D(现实)美少女·五十岚色叶告白,并开始和她交往! 在被奔放的色叶玩弄于股掌之间的同时,筒井逐渐爱上了她……。
回复 :Bart's cartoon about an angry dad is turned into "Angry Dad: The Movie" and quickly becomes a critics' favorite. When Russell Brand presents the Golden Globe to Bart's film, Homer usurps the podium and gives his own acceptance speech. The film's winning streak continues with Homer taking credit at each ceremony, so when "Angry Dad" receives an Oscar nomination, Bart keeps it a secret. With the help of DJ Kwanzaa, Homer and Marge arrive at the ceremony just as Halle Berry presents the award. Bart's fellow nominee, Nick Park, helps him realize that creating a film is a team effort, and Bart gives credit where credit is due.
回复 :在奈河的彼岸,是终年黑夜的地界,地界通过鬼差维持着三界生死平衡……而专程前往人间收灵的鬼差就是黑白无双。黑白无双吊车尾组合——小黑小白,在经历了百鬼封印事件后,两人关系若即若离,小白的身世也渐渐浮出水面……
回复 :原创科幻废土动画,看一群年轻镖师们,如何克服重重困难,医治浩劫过后洪荒大陆的创伤。