回复 :据悉,该动画以各类怪奇恐怖故事为主要内容,讲述世界各地的UFO、心灵感应、神秘现象、超能力事件、都市传说等等,由执导过《死亡寿司》的井口升担任总导演,吉田ウーロン太负责剧本。声优方面,除了斋藤工外,渡边哲、户井胜海、泷口幸广、今川碧海等都将为本作献声。
回复 :Adventurer Ben Fogle gets a taste of extreme escapism in this brand new series meeting those who have turned their backs on the daily grind. Each week, Ben spends time in one of the world’s most remote locations, meeting the people who now inhabit these inhospitable corners of the planet after leaving their ordinary lives behind.Our intrepid guide also wonders whether these extraordinary individuals and their incredible experiences might tempt him to move his own family out of London and away from the comforts of the city. Is it daring or downright crazy? Ben wants to discover the truth about life in tough, harsh conditions, where doing battle with Mother Nature is a daily reality.
回复 :萬聖節當然要扮鬼扮馬,節慶臨近,不如先辦個萬聖節感謝祭,讓大家可參考獎老們的特別造型,為十月尾的派對取靈感,同時亦可透過網購平台提供的優惠價,買來心頭好!參與這場感謝祭的嘉賓有黎諾懿、戴祖儀、賴慰玲、劉穎鏇、梁超怡和關楓馨,至於對家則是同門藝人陳家樂、泳兒、何珮瑜、沈震軒、李靖筠與曾樂彤,雙方對陣會激發出甚麼結果?最重要還是過程爆笑,讓觀眾看得開心過癮!