马永Contemporary Moscow. While riding her bicycle one day, Alyona, a shy librarian, accidentally collides with Liza, a dazzling blonde. When she wakes up in the hospital, she discovers that she and Liza have exchanged bodies.
马永Contemporary Moscow. While riding her bicycle one day, Alyona, a shy librarian, accidentally collides with Liza, a dazzling blonde. When she wakes up in the hospital, she discovers that she and Liza have exchanged bodies.
回复 :Eternal life technology (transferring mind to new body) is developed by 2 companies. Resistance to the merger of the 2 companies is met with kidnapping and murder.
回复 :本片是由Joseph J. Lawson执导的一部影片。1944年,战事如火如荼,一支美国的坦克队伍英勇作战,却难敌纳粹军队的攻击,屡屡败退,千钧一发之际,他们找到了突破口,终于冲出敌军的防线。然而此时坦克燃料用完,他们不得不步行前进,路上他们遇到了一个修女,并从修女口中得知不远处孤儿院还有许多孩子等待救援,原本负责保护他们的美军护送队已被德军处决,修女执意回去保护孩子,为了保护无辜的人们,士兵们跟随修女来到了孤儿院……
回复 :从小一心修仙的周坤与热血正义捕头的李娇然因一件离奇命案卷在一起。三十四条人命危在旦夕,李娇然多次舍命追查,开始冷眼旁观的周坤,也被李娇然的执着所感动。为查凶手,两人坠入了一层又一层的幻阵,他们究竟能否破解幻阵,一切谜底等你揭开……