英俊帅气的承皓(吴慷仁 饰)是某电视台的制作人,欧美他事业顺风顺水,欧美生活中又有美丽如花的未婚妻(谢欣颖 饰)相伴,可谓幸福无忧。最近一段时间,承皓正在拍摄一部关于冥婚民俗的纪录片,不知是压力过大还是碰到什么可怕的东西,他在梦中经历了诡异恐怖的梦境,而玄道众人也对其发出了警告。在此之后,诡异的梦境愈演愈烈,甚至让他分不清梦境和现实。万般无奈之下,他只得向高人求助。与此同时,平凡女高中生茵茵(严正岚 饰)突然发现自己身边的灵异事件陡增,她为此惶惶不可终日。一切都指向了沉睡在深山老林中的古宅……
英俊帅气的承皓(吴慷仁 饰)是某电视台的制作人,欧美他事业顺风顺水,欧美生活中又有美丽如花的未婚妻(谢欣颖 饰)相伴,可谓幸福无忧。最近一段时间,承皓正在拍摄一部关于冥婚民俗的纪录片,不知是压力过大还是碰到什么可怕的东西,他在梦中经历了诡异恐怖的梦境,而玄道众人也对其发出了警告。在此之后,诡异的梦境愈演愈烈,甚至让他分不清梦境和现实。万般无奈之下,他只得向高人求助。与此同时,平凡女高中生茵茵(严正岚 饰)突然发现自己身边的灵异事件陡增,她为此惶惶不可终日。一切都指向了沉睡在深山老林中的古宅……
回复 :After being complicit in a costume joke that ends in a fatal accident and a pact of silence, a group of young people will be threatened by an anonymous writer who wants to reveal his dark secret. Their stalker threatens to post a bloody horror novel based on them on social media. Each chapter one of them will die. While distrusting each other, the group will begin a fight for survival in the middle of the university campus. Any one of them could be the next victim, or the killer.
回复 :关于两个孤独者之间的爱情,男人被女人的美貌迷得神魂颠倒,他在不知不觉卷入了危险的漩涡当中。这部浪漫惊悚题材影片的故事发生在都灵,带有超现实风格。
回复 :Assigned by the professor, 5 senior university students were invited to the old mansion belongs to ML.Salukjit, an old elite who welcomes them with her weird attitude. Before the decision to leave or stay has been made, ML.Salukjit terrifies them and reveals her demonic power.