回复 :大学生八岛丽香(水川あさみ 饰)、柳昭彦(和田聡宏 饰)、高原圭太郎(弓削智久 饰)、松川夕菜(森下千里 饰)、深见爱(鈴木繭菓 饰)、宫野良平(柏原収史 饰)等6名青年男女相约在野外烧烤度假,夜深人静,他们聚在一起讲鬼故事,圭太郎不敬鬼神,肆意胡闹,丽香则恍惚听到了婴儿的哭声。回到东京后,他们各自回到平静的生活。然而丽香却时时听到婴儿的哭喊,甚至看到莫名的影像,不久之后,她的朋友小爱失踪,柳昭彦则离奇死亡。恐怖事件接二连三发生,丽香等人似乎受到诅咒,只能任由摆布步向死亡的国度……
回复 :萨德(乔弗瑞•拉什Geoffrey Rush饰)是19世纪的法国作家。他才高八斗,崇尚言论自由,小说中有不少情色描写。这些作品激怒了法国当局,政府把他关入疯人院,然而,专制的枷锁只令到萨德更坚定地奋笔疾书,作品在疯人院里一部一部的诞生。疯人院的主管是一个开明的年轻神父。他也读萨德的小说,对萨德的才华和精神充满欣赏。他对萨德提供优厚的生活条件,让他专心写作,同时让洗衣女梅德林(凯特•温斯莱特Kate Winslet饰)帮助萨德,把他的作品带到外面出版。梅德林与萨德之间也暗生情愫。然而,强大的国家机器还是将萨德送上了绞刑架。政府容忍不了他“伤风败俗”,但他的作品却流传了下来,开启了民众的思想。
回复 :New couple Na-ni and Joon-seo left the stuffy Seoul to try and start a cafe in the countryside. Behind the couple's attempt to change, they had some unspeakable worries, so they were sexless people who used their own rooms because they were not sexually compatible. Regardless of her husband's xiaokan.cc efforts to establish a relationship, her wife Na-ni has long been on an extramarital affair with her sex partner Dal-ho, who has been embroiled in a hit-and-run accident that she never thought of enjoying sex outdoors and is asked for a large settlement. Na-ni, who has been relying on her husband's financial resources since before marriage, kneels down to his victim Chang-soo and pleads for mercy, but Chang-soo, a farmer, persistently digs into her weaknesses and demands humiliating physical relationships. While Na-ni is falling into a rut for the creation of a rural village, her husband, Joon-seo, who has been complaining about his nervous wife Na-ni these days, is also beginning to open his eyes to her unique sexual orientation due to the charm of young, provocative part-timer Cheong-ah. What is the identity of Chang-soo and Cheong-ah, the farmers who are squeezing these couples, and the fate of those who are entangled like webs?