回复 :郭少君初次參與學姐愛麗絲及好姐妹梁靈策劃的生日派對。在節目高潮之際,全體同學無故消失,只剩她一人。在別墅裡,一連串的離異的事情接踵而來,牽連到70年前慘死的馬來婦女Dayati亡魂重返尋仇,讓多年遺忘的記憶一一揭發,也讓同學之間關係變得錯綜複雜,迷離撲朔。這個生日派對演變成忌日派對,發展到一個無法想像的結局
回复 :A vicious alligator named Ramon, who was flushed into the city sewer as a baby, survives to become a 32-foot-long menace who devours animals and people alike. Ramon's so huge because of the steady diet of dead pets - treated with growth hormones - that he's fed on for 12 years. Now the tremendous brute is angry and looking for revenge. Only detective David Madison knows of Ramon's existence, and it is his task to prove to the rest of the city that a tropical beast lives in their midst. Veteran screenwriter Sayles' script finds the perfect blend of comedy and horror, making this an entertaining romp through the sewers of Chicago.
回复 :三个朋友做了一个网络系列节目,他们发现他们的邻居其实已经被杀了,只是被其它生物完美复制了而已。