午夜A pathologist, Dr. Warren Chapin (played by Vincent Price), discovers that the tingling of the spine in states of extreme fear is due to the growth of a tingler—a spinal parasite which can kill the host unless it is destroyed by screaming.
午夜A pathologist, Dr. Warren Chapin (played by Vincent Price), discovers that the tingling of the spine in states of extreme fear is due to the growth of a tingler—a spinal parasite which can kill the host unless it is destroyed by screaming.
回复 :Sonia is a neurotic jingle writer who's always dreamt of a big and exciting life. Surprised by a sudden proposal and subsequent ultimatum from her easy-going boyfriend, Chris, Sonia has to decide whether she'll join the ranks of her married friends or take a leap and pursue her fantasies. A whimsical romantic comedy that's raunchy and yet gentle, 'It Had To Be You' explores the choices women face today while satirizing cultural expectations of gender and romance.
回复 :1990年,一艘巨大的飞船出现在地球上空,人们惶恐不安,却又分外好奇。经过一段时间紧张的等待,外星飞船始终没有动静。人类终于小心翼翼靠近它,强行走进舱内,结果发现了不计其数的外星人。他们形容丑陋,宛如虾子,而且健康状况极差,虚弱无力。原来这是一群来自外星的难民,他们最终被地球人接纳,并隔离在南非约翰内斯堡的一片区域内生活,此地名为“第九区”。经过长达20年的繁衍,外星难民的数量扩张至180万之多,且和周边人类的矛盾冲突不断,越来越多的人类呼吁将“大虾”赶出地球。MNU(列国同盟组织)经过磋商,决定将外星难民迁移到更为偏远的区域。MNU外星事务部门的特工威库斯(Sharlto Copley 饰)专门负责搬迁工作。威库斯在动员过程中傲慢随意,与当地居民冲突频频。最终,他为自己的行为付出代价,外星人的神秘流体将其感染,威库斯慢慢变成了外星人的模样……©豆瓣
回复 :影片讲述了一个三段式的恐怖故事,背景则是一个被一种奇妙的信号频率逼疯的世界:在特梅纳斯市的新年前夜,任何形式的通信设施,都因为一个高深莫测、谜一般的信号而受到了阻碍,它掠夺走了这个城市中每一个人的恐惧和绝望,迫使了一半的人因为无法抵制的杀戮欲而发了疯,也导致另一半的人因为随时害怕被猎杀而陷入了水深火热的恐惧当中,街道上到处是横七竖八的尸体,这个曾经因为和谐而著名的城市,也随即变成了一种彻底混乱的状态。镜头很快就对准了本,这个非常具有反叛精神的小伙子必须得从一家疯人院中救出他所爱的那个女人,同时还包括那已经发疯、虐待成性的丈夫。可是本却只能靠自己去完成这些,因为他没办法发现“信号”的本质,所以他也无法相信任何人,还要强迫自己不要屈服于暴力的招唤下。