午夜A pathologist, Dr. Warren Chapin (played by Vincent Price), discovers that the tingling of the spine in states of extreme fear is due to the growth of a tingler—a spinal parasite which can kill the host unless it is destroyed by screaming.
午夜A pathologist, Dr. Warren Chapin (played by Vincent Price), discovers that the tingling of the spine in states of extreme fear is due to the growth of a tingler—a spinal parasite which can kill the host unless it is destroyed by screaming.
回复 :一位追寻绘画艺术的单亲爸爸,卖画无人问津,在事业落败后,生活变得一塌糊涂,只有儿子与他相依为命,给予他最大的信念与支持,凭借彼此的努力和顽强的意志,共同战胜困难。
回复 :地球上的居民收到来自外太空的编码信息,告诉他们,他们并不孤单,银河系是一个危险的地方。
回复 :荒凉的美国西部,一条铁路正在修建中,由于铁路将穿过石脊镇,预感当地地价将大幅上涨的政客海德利(哈维•科曼 Harvey Korman 饰)计划将镇上居民尽数驱逐。居民方面担忧遭袭,寄希望于州政府为他们派遣一位强力的警长,岂料海德利背后运作,使州长任命史上首位黑人警长巴特(克力文•李托 Cleavon Little 饰)保卫石脊镇。巴特原是一名筑路工人,因殴打工程监工被处以死刑,谁知在被行刑前夕命运居然全然逆转,逃过一命的巴特并不能轻松,他还要面对石脊镇居民的白眼和海德利一方的匪徒,在镇上的昔日神枪手吉姆(吉恩•怀尔德 Gene Wilder 饰)帮助下,巴特连续挫败海德利的人手,但是真正的硬仗还在等待着他……