回复 :If These Walls Could Sing arrives with the 90th anniversary of famed London recording studio.Universal Music Group’s recently-launched production house Mercury Studios has announced a documentary about Abbey Road Studios. If These Walls Could Sing will explore the legendary recording studio’s history in conjunction with Abbey Road’s 90th anniversary this November. The film is produced by John Battsek and directed by filmmaker and photographer Mary McCartney, daughter of Paul and Linda.“Some of my earliest memories as a young child come from time spent at Abbey Road,” Mary McCartney said in a statement. “I’ve long wanted to tell the story of this historic place, and I couldn’t be collaborating with a better team than John and Mercury Studios to make this creative ambition a reality.”
回复 :木下監督は、鶴屋南北の原作にかなり手を加え、お岩の亡霊は伊右衛門の良心の呵責による妄想だという新解釈を与えている。また、この作品を日本の伝統的な絵巻物という視点で捉え、全編を俯瞰撮影の長回しで撮った異色作品。
回复 :故事发生在新年来临之夜,传说每年的这个夜晚,死神就会来到人间挑选一个罪孽深重的人来驾驶他的马车。这次被选到的是个抛妻弃子又嗜酒如命的流浪汉,在流浪汉由于自己的作风问题而即将被夺走生命时,一个孱弱的修女用基督之爱拯救了他