回复 :最近出现了一起凶徒连环杀人案,最令人恶心的是,凶徒每次作案后都将被害者的喉咙割走。FBI探员威尔(爱德华•诺顿 Edward Norton 饰)负责此案的侦察,经过详细调查,威尔分析此人每次都是将被害者的喉咙割走吃掉,然而却没有找到任何凶徒的蛛丝马迹。威尔向患有精神病的犯罪心理学家汉尼拔(安东尼•霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)求助,希望汉尼拔能刻画出凶徒的犯罪心理以助破案。不料汉尼拔精神病发,意图伤害威尔,最后被关进了精神病监狱,此案也就不了了之。多年后,威尔又遇到了一起相同的谋杀案。虽确定了犯罪嫌疑人,但若想清楚推敲出此人的犯罪心理,以将其乘之于法,威尔只好再次找到了汉尼拔。
回复 :“竖锯”约翰•克莱默(Tobin Bell 饰)肉体虽死,但精神长存。这一次,某医疗保险公司的老总威廉•伊斯顿(Peter Outerbridge 饰)成为他狩猎和考验的目标。威廉贪婪狡诈,他发明了一套医保的计算公式,同时凭借爪牙的协助,成功向无数病入膏肓的人们拒保,从中赚取黑心钱财。然而他没有想到,自己有朝一日也要将生命的决定权交与别人手中。他必须按照“竖锯”的游戏规则,小心翼翼寻找逃生之路。另一方面,约翰门徒之一马克•霍夫曼(Costas Mandylor 饰)成功害死警官斯特朗,并试图将警方的注意力引到斯特朗身上来。然而种种迹象早已令同侪对马克的身份产生怀疑,他的身份即将被揭穿,而他违背约翰精神的暴力之路也慢慢走向尽头……
回复 :Would you believe in a policewoman who suffers from such serious panic disorders that she is afraid to get close to any crime scene and has been on permanent office duty for more than a decade? Would you believe a lone mother who is unfit to pay her mortgage and also raise her rebellious teenage daughter? Indeed, no one believes that the troubled ex-detective has discovered a serial murder case. Personal dramas and a murder mystery unfold in present-day Budapest, where demonstrations are part of the pre-election life of a city still trying to cope with the shadows of its historical and recent past. It is a city where nothing seems honest and true, except through the eyes of an emotionally unstable policewoman and her misfit daughter who wants to know who her father truly was.入围第32届华沙电影节新导演单元