回复 :电影明星文森特(艾德里安·格尼尔 Adrian Grenier 饰)跟他的好兄弟艾里克(凯文·康诺利 Kevin Connolly 饰)、特托(杰瑞·费拉拉 Jerry Ferrara 饰)及伽玛(凯文·狄龙 Kevin Dillon 饰)重出江湖,加入金牌经纪人兼电影公司总经理阿里(杰里米·皮文 Jeremy Piven 饰)的旗下。他们在竞争激烈的好莱坞演艺圈里摸爬滚打,杀出重围,在这期间,他们的目标也发生了微小的变化,但彼此的友谊仍坚定无比……
回复 :Gosha is a trucker; he delivers goods to remote Arctic parts of Yakutia. He is a monopolist and his services are expensive. His greed lures him into making a run without a backup-driver. His truck breaks down in the middle of the road. Gosha is trying to fix it when an accident occurs. Now he is face to face with ruthless Arctic wilderness and death is only one breath away.
回复 :佩玟,是律宏的女朋友。沛文,是家家的男朋友。捷運新莊線開通之前, 男朋友們總是開車送女朋友們,直到,男朋友們希望女朋友們能去學開車。於是,「她們」漸漸獨立,於是,「他們」漸漸不被需要,企圖挽回, 但,新的曖昧已經發生了...如同交通的過渡期?停滯?還是走向新的局面?