回复 :他全心爱上的女子竟然讨厌小孩!这下如何是好?9 岁的女儿提议假装成他的妹妹,应该不会有什麽问题吧?
回复 :李国立与王威自幼共同习武,感情甚笃二人随团到美国表演,威留美另谋发展。威错害警员,使立无辜成代罪羔羊,立死里逃生,幸得阿友的帮助。威加入黑帮工作,因身手不凡,屡立奇功,令Macro嫉妒。威与Macro关系恶化,在一次毒品买卖中,Macro暗中出卖威,威与手下遭大批警员包围展开激烈枪战。友因贪念将捡到的白粉带回店中,令自己及其叔惨遭杀害,立痛心不已,决定找威了结恩仇。
回复 :Indecisive heiress Dee Dee Dillwood is pushed into marrying her sixth fiancée, but unable to face the wedding night, she flees into the adjacent hotel room of commercial pilot Marvin Payne, who just wants to sleep. Somehow, she persuades him to take her to California. Her fellow passengers include a chimpanzee, a corpse (in a coffin), an absconding embezzler, and two smoochy newlyweds. Can love be far behind?