回复 :白金汉宫是位于英国首都伦敦,是英国的皇家居所和女王办公地。1837年,维多利亚女王即位后,白金汉宫正式成为王宫,此后白金汉宫一直是英国王室的府邸。现仍是英国女王伊丽莎白二世的王室住地。女王召见首相、大臣,接待贵宾,举行国家庆典和宴请外宾及其他重要活动,均在此举行,历史上每逢英国欢庆或是危机时刻,这儿也是不列颠人民一处重要的集会场所。现在的白金汉宫对外开放参观,每天清晨都会进行著名的禁卫军交接典礼,成为英国王室文化的一大景观。这部令人惊艳的纪录片,前所未有的揭示了这座建筑的一些秘密,两集节目中将揭开白金汉宫动荡的历史,它曾有过辉煌,也有过暗淡,有过众所周知的胜利,也有过不能言说的丑闻。
回复 :In a new BBC Two series, some of the fittest men and woman around will face the toughest challenge of their lives when they take part in the recruitment week from hell. Who will be left standing on the ultimate military assault course?Presented by Andrew ‘Freddie’ Flintoff, this six-part series will see successful applicants take on gruelling tests used by some of the world’s harshest army regimes, from the Navy SEALs to the SAS, in a search to find the UK’s toughest recruit.Participants will come under intense pressure. Their physical and mental endurance will be pushed to the limit. Viewers will witness what the mind and body are capable of and how these techniques separate the weak from the strong, and they will learn what it takes to be the ultimate soldier.The ‘Hell Week ‘ has been especially constructed to reflect known selection process used by special forces across the globe including the US Navy SEALs, the Philippine’s NAVSOG (Naval Special Operations Group), the Russian Spetsnaz (Special Purpose Forces) as well as the UK’s SAS. These are physical and mental challenges designed to break the most hardened soldiers.
回复 :这部纪录片网罗了我们这个星球上伟大的自然奇观,这些地方的美景令人赞不绝口,却给生活在当地的人们带来了非凡的挑战。继前作取得巨大成功之后,这部令人敬佩的纪录片带来了更为丰富详细的故事,让我们了解天南海北的人们是如何在地球最恶劣的条件下维持生活,甚至成为人生赢家的。这部自然历史纪录片融入了最为先进的科学知识和拍摄技巧,揭示了人类是如何适应世界上一些极端环境的。我们将会在自然界最美丽、最原始的地方,领略当地人无与伦比的技巧、独创性和勇气。