回复 :An explosives manufacturer suspects a young man is out to kill him. He calls in new parents Nick and Nora to sort things out.
回复 :The eccentric professor Collins lives completely secluded in his chaotic apartment. When the model Penny moves in next to him, he becomes fascinated of her. He drills holes in her walls and ceiling and peeps on her day and night. He loses himself in daydreams and delusions.
回复 :元末,钟离县有个孤苦伶仃的臭头小子,依靠在陈员外家帮佣渡日。由于天天侍候少东陈友谅练功,所以有了点功夫底子。陈友谅年少气盛,恃才傲物,野心勃勃,欲谋江山,累及其父被人暗杀。陈友谅请了风水先生麻子张找坟地......