回复 :米洛什是色情演员,当退出舞台之后,生活拮据,他时时回想起以前的光辉岁月,表情颇为难舍,仿佛现在温馨的家庭生活并不能满足他。儿子偷看他的色圞情影片,他也不以为意。为了过上上层社会的生活,米洛什重操旧业,在他们那个统治社会,笑贫不笑娼。才使得刚开始的米洛什家庭温馨和睦。与妻儿生活在一起的成人片过气男星米洛什得到了一份令他惊喜的合同,他将重新出山,在一部巨资打造的、事先不知道剧本的影片中担任男主角。起初认为只不过是一些露骨生活场景的拍摄,但越来越多的残酷暴力的场面设计却让米洛什料想不及,最终导致他混淆于现实与剧中而难以自拔。米洛什掉进了陷阱,使得家破兄离。男主人和他妻子儿子平躺在床上,为了解脱,扣动扳机的一刹那,你会情不自禁地感到温暖,你会庆幸他们终于可以脱离这不平的社会。
回复 :14-year-old Jimmy (played by Tyrell Williams) practices kung fu. For the lion dance, which is performed out on the streets, he is determined to hold the head of the lion. But when his teacher, the sifu, announces the new crew, his dream comes crashing down. He has to make do with the tail end, while the talented newcomer Li Jié (Haye Lee) is given the coveted place. Jimmy does all he can to become number one and earn his place up front with the head. But this means he has to defeat a number of annoying bullies, convince the sifu of his qualities and, especially, overcome himself.Williams, a former Dutch karate champion and Lee, a kung fu practitioner, jump and kick in their first feature film. Kung fu leeuw is an exciting film for young people about the challenges of growing up – which are easier to face when you’re armed with the wisdom of the martial arts. Filmmaker Froukje Tan uses Rotterdam as the backdrop for the lion dance, highlighting the less obvious traditions of the city.Previously, Froukje Tan made the feature films Swchwrm (2012) and Links (2008), and the short Het jongetje dat niemand verstond (2002).
回复 :译名:2夜情(台)