广场A special celebrating the origins and legacy of Star Wars' legendary bounty hunter, Boba Fett.
广场A special celebrating the origins and legacy of Star Wars' legendary bounty hunter, Boba Fett.
回复 :JERUSALEM takes audiences on an inspiring and eye-opening tour of one of the worlds oldest and most enigmatic cities. Destroyed and rebuilt countless times over 5000 years, Jerusalems enduring appeal remains a mystery. What made it so important to so many different cultures? How did it become the center of the world for three major religions? Why does it still matter to us?JERUSALEM attempts to answer these questions by following three young Jerusalemites and their families Jewish, Christian and Muslim. Through their eyes, audiences will learn what it means to call Jerusalem home, and experience celebrations and events that mark the high points of a year in the life of the city.JERUSALEM will also follow archaeologists, Dr. Jodi Magness and Dr. Nazmi al-Jubeh, as they explore some of the most extraordinary historical sites in the region in order to better understand this crossroads of civilization.JERUSALEM seeks to build trust and respect between Jews, Christians and Muslims by showcasing their common heritage and inspiring them, and the public, to better understand each other. Audiences will gain a completely unique perspective of a part of the world that captivates the imagination of billions of people.JERUSALEM's producers include multiple Oscar winner, Jake Eberts (Gandhi, Dances With Wolves, The Killing Fields), and Taran Davies (Journey to Mecca), and George Duffield (The End of the Line). Daniel Ferguson (Lost Worlds, Wired to Win: Surviving the Tour de France) is writer, director and producer. Dominic Cunningham Reid (Journey to Mecca) is executive producer.
回复 :牵牛(车太贤饰)第一次与她(全智贤饰)邂逅,就毫无浪漫感可言。在地铁上她就语出惊人,喝的醉醺醺的她大声训斥不自觉给老人让座的人,吐完之后就软趴趴地倒了下来。善良的牵牛上前接住,于是就只好背着她到旅馆投宿了。但是好心不一定有好报,牵牛正在好好洗澡时就被冲进来的警察带走了。然而这两个人却从此开始约会了。她很霸道很任性,然而当她用那张可爱的面孔对着你笑时,你也忍不住心软。于是牵牛也心甘情愿地被她折磨。渐渐的,牵牛感觉到她的内心受伤了,他用尽全力去呵护去保护,她仍然缺乏安全感。虽然在一起很快乐也很感动,她却仍然提出了一个难以接受的约定:让我们先分开吧……
回复 :登山ガイド3年になる立花柚月(工藤夕貴)は、WEBサイト「山女日記」で山ともだちを作りたいという投稿者に、山のイベントへの参加を促す。山フェスの日、引っ込み思案で山トモがいない西真奈美(黒谷友香)は、山女日記の投稿者の熊田結衣(舞羽美海)に声をかけられ、意気投合。同じくフェスに来ていた中野親子(利重剛・山根和馬)とともに、燕岳へのテント泊ツアーに参加する。柚月はガイド仲間である木嶋岳志(黄川田将也)とそのガイドを務めるが、途中、木嶋のフィアンセと噂される三島さゆり(黒川芽以)の勝ち気さにパーティが困惑したり、真奈美が酸欠で登れなくなってしまう。