成线The story follows Danika, a woman whose fears for her children are manifested in premonitions of death and disaster. Bierko plays Tomei's husband, while Hall is her psychiatrist and confidant.
成线The story follows Danika, a woman whose fears for her children are manifested in premonitions of death and disaster. Bierko plays Tomei's husband, while Hall is her psychiatrist and confidant.
回复 :二十世纪初,埃贡•席勒是维也纳最受争议的艺术家之一。他的生活与作品常受美丽女子及其所生活的行将末路的时代所驱动。其中两个女人对他产生持续影响——他的妹妹葛尔蒂是他的首位缪斯,而十七岁的瓦莉也逐渐成为其真爱,并在代表作《死神与少女》中留下永恒身影。席勒的极端绘画成为维也纳的丑闻,但诸如古斯塔夫•克里姆特等大胆的艺术家和艺术商却领略到其中的不寻常之处。然而,席勒也准备好翻越自己的痛苦,为艺术牺牲爱情与生命。(小易甫字幕组)
回复 :Paternity Leave, directed by Matt Riddlehoover, is a romantic comedy slated for release in 2015. Greg (Jacob York) finds out that he's pregnant with his partner Ken's (Charlie David) baby. Dumbstruck by the news, their relationship takes twists and turns through hardship and hilarity, while we're left wondering if they're going to make it through the most unexpected and difficult period of their lives together.
回复 :第71届威尼斯电影节地平线单元最佳影片。一位孟买下水道工人被发现陈尸于他的工作地点,死因竟然一首歌?65岁的民间歌手兼社运人仕被指控以歌曲教唆他人自杀。随着案件展开,死者和被告身世大起底, 连律师和法官的私生活也被评头品足。新扎编导首部电影即见真章,运用了新鲜的电影语言,以无稽荒谬情节和对白,揭示法治其实是人治的道理,再审视家庭背景与阶级如何建立不同的价值观,成就不同的社会。