成年Director YOON Seongho was offered to make this film because the indie-sitcom was too big to be seen on a computer. It had to be seen bigger in a feature film. It contains his confession-like dialogue and cold, sharp introspection.
成年Director YOON Seongho was offered to make this film because the indie-sitcom was too big to be seen on a computer. It had to be seen bigger in a feature film. It contains his confession-like dialogue and cold, sharp introspection.
回复 :马伟雄(沈震轩 饰)是一名编剧,长久以来,他和女友白玫瑰(庄思敏 饰)一同过着地位悬殊的生活,这让永远处于食物链最底层的马伟雄苦不堪言。某日,白玫瑰的妹妹白菊花(连诗雅 饰)出现在了马伟雄的面前,重新点燃了他内心里的冲动与激情。陈勇胜(张建声 饰)于夜场之中遇见了美艳不可方物的潘小姐(倪晨曦 饰),深深被其吸引的他却意外得知潘小姐即将嫁人。叶礼信(陈奂仁 饰)遇见了曾经的补习班学生谢美金(蒋家旻 饰),没想到后者居然开口向她借贷巨额钱财。一场追悼会将三个素不相识但同样为情所困的男人牵到了一起,开诚布公的倾诉能否治愈他们内心里共同的伤痛?
回复 :Nina和Madeleine是两位退休老人,也是深爱彼此数十载的恋人。在外人眼中,她们只是普通邻居,直到女儿无意中发现了她们的秘密……对于Nina和Madeleine来说,爱情是生活必需品,是野性的,是冲动的。年龄没有扑灭她们炽热的爱情火焰,或许正相反。本片以老年拉拉这个经常被忽视的群体为着眼点,以情感的方式探讨在生命的尽头,她们如何面对疾病、家庭和爱……@悸花字幕组
回复 :The cast of «High School Musical: The Musical - The Series» share anecdotes of memorable holidays from their childhoods, best presents, favorite traditions, family photos, and New Year's resolutions.