回复 :10 年前,世界与其他次元链接的“门”被打开,各种魔物不断出现,于是乎能力各异的猎魔者也随之出现,被称为“猎人”。程肖宇是一名实力最弱的 E 级猎人,在一次挑战任务中,遇到了可怕的隐藏挑战。生死存亡之际,他居然获得了升级系统!在系统的利用下,他能成为最强猎人吗?
回复 :Reality tv show on the History channel. BIG TIMBER follows the dangerous work of logger and sawmill owner Kevin Wenstob as he and his crew go to extremes to keep the family sawmill, and their way of life, alive. Kevin's logging a remote timber claim high up the steep, rugged slopes of Klitsa Mountain, deep in the majestic heart of Vancouver Island. It's home to some of the best wood in the world and Kevin's making a big bet to get it. The claim has a thousand truckloads waiting for him and his first goal is to get 200 truckloads off the mountain before winter shuts him down, but the mountain won't give up without a fight. That's only his first obstacle though, as he finds out close to winter that he has to clear his whole claim, all one thousand loads, as soon as he can get back up there in the spring. He'll be stuck with millions of dollars in penalties if he can't do it. With his wife Sarah, his son Erik, and his right-hand man Coleman by his side, Kevin will do whatever it takes to get that big timber!
回复 :在全球怪物灾难爆发后,世界各国于1966年成立了地球防卫队(GGF),以应对来自地球内外的怪物和外星生命的袭击。如今,人类对自然界的破坏和全球变暖现象日益严重。 一天晚上,宇宙甲壳怪物巴赞甲出现了。地球防卫队的清理行动遇到了困难,比留间弦人领导的特殊部队陷入了绝望的境地。 这时,一个神秘的巨人带着耀眼的光芒降临了。 这是一个身份不明的大型外星人,代号为“奥特曼”,几十年来在宇航员中一直有着他的传言。后来,弦人被传唤到指挥中心,突然接到成为特殊怪兽对应分遣队(SKaRD)指挥官的任务。SKaRD是一支秘密组织的特殊怪物反应分队。他指挥的这支特殊部队,以驾驶巨型怪物形状的机器人阿斯加隆为主来对抗怪物灾难。 同时,他还奉命调查在巴赞甲之战中出现的奥特曼是否为必须消灭的敌人。“我去解决"。现在,在布莱泽奥特曼之光的笼罩下,弦人队长将与新组织的SKaRD的特殊成员一起,投入到与怪兽的新战斗中,他的心中深藏着坚实的勇气和坚定的正义!