盗剑A young woman, who has a chance to save the love of her life when she discovers that the mixtape they made together can transport her back in time.
盗剑A young woman, who has a chance to save the love of her life when she discovers that the mixtape they made together can transport her back in time.
回复 :剧情简介:何阿九烂赌成性,欠下赌债数百元,何母见儿子在澳门不事生产,积蓄花光,便送他到南洋从新做人。九到南洋后,由于矿场工作辛苦,又不准赌博,他把心一横而辞职,去星加坡的富豪俱乐部当伙计。一天,九拾获富豪汪大明的皮包,他亲自将之送到汪府。明以为九老实,替他改名友诚,有意提拔他。明独女明珠出外购物遇劫,九替她抢回颈链时受伤,自此珠芳心暗许,明也安排九至他的公司工作。九妻素贞在澳门生活困苦,丈夫一直没有消息,奶奶又病重,她急需金钱,便向恶人金才借钱。才逼她卖身,她奶奶知道后跳井自杀。邻居可怜贞无依无靠,遂凑钱送贞赴南洋寻夫。贞刚找到九时,发现他已和富家女珠订婚。九拒认妻儿,并密谋把贞卖往异地。九的表弟曾大成向珠说出真相,合力救贞,九则被捕入狱。九出狱后,向贞跪地忏悔,获贞原谅。导演:陈文编剧:楚原主演:南红 姜中平 嘉玲 谢贤 李月清 吴桐 黎雯 李鹏飞 陈翠屏 王爱明 杨彬 邓祥 莫虹 李镜清 汤剑廷 冯美英 林苏 张志荪 张作舟制片主管:何启湘/ 钟蔚文摄影:陈干剪辑:郭强布景师:梁海山副导演/助理导演:楚原原创音乐:李愿闻/ 王居仁化妆师:黎兆华灯光:林卫执行监制:何启湘配乐:王居仁片长:103 min出品公司:光艺制片公司
回复 :自恋敏感又才华横溢的歌手王子(Prince 饰)在享誉盛名的“第一街”舞台上光彩照人,然而最近他的事业出现了停滞:竞争对手“时代”乐队咄咄逼人;家暴的父亲令家中的气氛凝固;他的乐队也出现了不团结;而第一街经理莫里斯对王子的表现日益不满,考虑为这个送出了众多明星的舞台寻找更有魅力的歌手。追寻音乐梦想的少女罗尼亚(Apollonia Kotero 饰)邂逅王子,很快与其陷入恋情,另一方面,王子始终拒绝演唱乐队合作伙伴为他创作的歌曲,这让两位同队姑娘苦恼不已。面临事业的困境和父亲的死亡,王子选择用音乐冲破内心的桎梏……本片是音乐鬼才Prince‘王子’的自传式剧情片。
回复 :Kathy is a smart and tough 1950's advice columnist at a San Francisco newspaper, with her name plastered on billboards all over the city. One day, Bill Doyle, a Los Angeles detective, walks into her office - it is instant attraction. After marrying Bill, Kathy gives up her career and becomes a homemaker. However, she is not your typical 1950's homemaker. After hosting several cocktail parties in their San Fernando Valley home, she realizes that Bill is content with his position, and shows no ambition in furthering himself. Kathy will not sit idly by while everyone around her is "moving up in the world". She personally takes upon herself the task of pushing Bill's career along, even if it comes down to murder.@www.lightyear.club