回复 :Going back to his hometown of Crawley, England, Romesh Ranganathan will talk about vegan-ism, his kids - and offers a peek into the making of his comedy special.
回复 :Simon Sebag Montefiore charts the rise of Istanbul from pagan trading post to capital of three empires and two religions, becoming not only holy but the most coveted city in the world.
回复 :霆锋早前便拍摄了内地节目《12道锋味》,每集邀请到范冰冰、赵薇等巨星访问,由于节目大受欢迎,制作单位即筹备拍摄第二辑,虽然嘉宾人选及拍摄地点仍未落实,但担大旗的霆锋,身酬已加至2百万一集,以12集计,2,400万已袋袋平安,若然要飞至外地及超时拍摄,更会有额外酬金,条件甚为优厚。但制作单位有见锋菲恋闹得沸沸扬扬,便乘势要求王菲担任首集嘉宾,以收先声夺人之效,不过霆锋一直小心翼翼保护这段得来不易的恋情,当然不想女友王菲被摆上,所以至今仍未应承让女友出镜。