回复 :Outnumbered follows the daily chaos of family life and two parents and three young children locked in an unequal contest.Across half-hour episodes, viewers witness an honest portrayal of the well-meaning parental incompetence that happens in most homes, as a beleaguered mum and dad attempt to raise their kids with the minimum of emotional damage for all concerned.
回复 :When Dorcas and Emma each want to give Laura the same gift for Christmas, an old family wound is opened up and Laura finds herself torn between two mothers. As the inhabitants of Lark Rise and Candleford prepare for the festivities, loyalties are tested and, amid the gift-giving and carol-singing, tensions are building. However, the arrival of a ragged, barefooted young woman, who goes by the name of Cinderella Doe, introduces a note of Christmas mystery. Dorcas also receives a Christmas letter from Sir Timothy.
回复 :该电视剧是描述老年人再婚后家庭成员之间如何互相认可、互相理解的故事。是温馨的家庭剧。女主人公“宋美珠”,年纪轻轻却为人稳重,虽然不是银行正式职员,但诚实生活的她是父母的骄傲。饰演者洪秀贤曾在多样的作品中扮演过有个性的性格刚烈的人物形象,获得了观众的认可。但是在这部新剧中,她将扮演与过去演过的人物形象截然不同的角色,让观众充满好奇。男主人公“郑在民”由李相烨饰演。在剧中有些不懂事但城府很深,虽然没有找到工作,给人不太懂事的感觉,心中怀着从父母受到的儿时伤痛,但是对女主人公‘宋美珠’的一片丹心将会打动无数女人的芳心[1]。男二号殷夏林,他是一位餐厅老板兼主厨的财阀二世,一开始把烹饪作为业余爱好,而后成为喜欢烹饪独树一格的料理的厨师。外在看来,他是位洋溢阳光笑容的浪漫主义者,但内心深处,他有很多痛苦。至目前为止,徐智锡已演过许多浪漫角色。他将在此剧中展现何种魅力,和洪秀贤与李相烨形成三角关系,让人们非常期待。该剧为MBC周末剧,将接档《金子轻松出来吧》,预计9月末播出。