回复 :This three part documentary series chronicles never before seen footage & stories of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s journey from rural Austria to the highest echelons of the American dream. In the series, there’s unprecedented access to the most candid interviews from Schwarzenegger, his friends, foes, co-stars and observers. We see many talk about his days pumping iron to his triumphs in Hollywood, all the way to his time governing the state of California. The joys and the turbulence of his family life are unveiled in a tale that matches his larger-than-life persona.
回复 :赛车手林闯爱慕竞争对手梁梓,一次沙漠赛事,梁梓半途主动退出,林闯不明所以但追随前去。不料二人途中却遭遇地下神秘沙蟒袭击,一路逃至附近的废弃工厂,发现富商熊坤正在此地进行稀有矿物勘探,他正是从生物博士姜聪手里买下这块地。种种线索显示,神秘沙蟒、失踪父亲、废弃工厂之间有着紧密联系。这时众人发现地下暗藏着更多的巨型沙蟒。荒芜之地,人与兽在斗,人与人之间也在斗。
回复 :弗洛伦斯·卡塞斯是一个绑架集团的幕后黑手吗?还是她是腐败行为的受害者?这部纪录片将探讨墨西哥一起最具争议的案件