回复 :高进(黎明)在同师父千王靳能(钟景辉)学过将近10年技艺后,熟练掌控一切千门技巧,加上与靳能的女儿靳轻(梁咏琪)情投意合,17岁的他可谓春风得意,为了与靳轻风风光光的成婚,他答应靳轻将事业推向高峰,决定参加在澳门举行的新一届“赌神大赛”。令他没想到的是自己会马失前蹄。高进大赛中被靳能出卖,虽因爱慕他的细七(袁咏仪)与好友龙五(陈小春)伸手相助得以侥幸保命,却也几乎成为废人。在细七的精心照料下,高进奇迹般痊愈,晓得了事情的真相,同时发现多年前父亲死的真正原因,新仇加旧恨促使他振作,决意与师兄高傲(吴镇宇)及靳能在赌桌上再战生死,取回属于自己的东西。
回复 :本片改编自真实故事,讲述了余峰家的小狗妮蔻,为了救主人被隔壁藏獒咬成重伤,有权有势的藏獒主人却对余峰一家百般刁难。面对种种不公,余峰不再忍气吞声,发誓要为小狗讨回公道,但柴女士等人的出现,却让矛盾进一步激化……狗生不易,小狗愿意用生命守护我们,我们又能为它做什么呢?
回复 :IMDB简介:Dominique Marceau is on trial for the murder of Gilbert Tellier. The counsels duel relentlessly, elaborating explanations for why the pretty, idle and fickle girl killed the talented and ambitious conductor freshly graduated from the conservatory. Was it passion, vengeance, desperation, an accident? The acquaintances of Gilbert testify, as well as Dominique's former lovers, and her sister, Annie, the studious violin player engaged to Gilbert. The evidence they give progressively paints a more finely-shaded picture of the personalities of Dominique and Gilbert, and of their relationship, than the eloquent and convincing justifications of the counsels. Written by Eduardo Casais