香港游客阿诗(郑文雅),国产在日本因嗜赌欠下高利贷,国产被迫在NIGHT CULB陪酒还债,遇见被日籍丈夫迫娼的阿玲(苏明明),二人异地落难,结成莫逆之交。在孤立无助下,为了早日脱离火海,阿诗与阿玲决定以逃走的方式,寻回失去的自由与自尊……
香港游客阿诗(郑文雅),国产在日本因嗜赌欠下高利贷,国产被迫在NIGHT CULB陪酒还债,遇见被日籍丈夫迫娼的阿玲(苏明明),二人异地落难,结成莫逆之交。在孤立无助下,为了早日脱离火海,阿诗与阿玲决定以逃走的方式,寻回失去的自由与自尊……
回复 :Joe 'Tom' Yateley is an ex-convict. Trying to leave his past behind, he decides to starts working for the Hawlett Trucking company, which transports gravel. It's an aggressive company, where speed is everything. Doing too less runs in a day? You're out. Red is the most experienced trucker, he can do 18 runs in a day. Tom soon makes friends with Lucy, the secretary, and Gino, a driver. But the record of Red intrigues him and he wants to break it. Gino advises against it, but he helps Tom when he wants to go through with it. Soon trouble begins when Red and the other drivers form an united front against Tom. Just when Tom has enough and decides to pack his bags, Lucy tells him Gino had a terrible accident. She also tells about the corruption of Hawlett Trucking.
回复 :美国南北战争时期,连连征战和南方军队的节节败退令士兵Inman(Jude Law 饰)心灰意冷,为了再见情人Ada(Nicole Kidman饰),他离开部队,踏上了漫漫回家路。在他的家乡,偏僻的冷山镇,Ada也饱受生活的折磨和等待的痛苦。父亲的去世和奴隶的离开,使养尊处优的Ada生活难以为继,在山区女孩Ruby Thewes(Renée Zellweger 饰)的帮助下,Ada渐渐学学会与周围粗砺尖锐的生活对抗挣扎,期待Inman的归来。穿越连绵战火,冷山,是他们之间唯一的连系,在这里,即使旧日所有的信仰天堂都已破灭,却仍能让你疗伤止痛。
回复 :Donny Drucker's 1998 Bar Mitzvah VHS Tape.