回复 :以台湾第一代实业家林灯(傅孟柏 饰)的故事为原型,揭露鲜为人知的商战内幕。他的贤内助(邵雨薇 饰)是个聪明内敛的女人。出身贫穷的街头小子(李国毅 饰),为求上位不惜入赘给望族千金(周晓涵 饰)。社交手段一流的西服店老板(田中千绘 饰),让这两个男人为她倾心。
回复 :在茂密宁静的仓鸮森林,猫头鹰诺克图斯和妻儿们生活在一棵参天大树的枝干上。她的儿子索伦(吉姆·斯特吉斯 Jim Sturgess 配音)无比迷恋“守护者”的传说。据说很久以前,佩戴着钢喙的邪恶“纯种者”(草鸮)国王压迫猫头鹰子民,关键时刻守护者挺身而出,打败了国王及其爪牙,但失败者从未放弃复仇的念头。憧憬古老传说的索伦令哥哥库鲁德(瑞恩·科万腾 Ryan Kwanten 配音)颇为气恼,以致于被哥哥从树上推下。两只还没学会自由飞翔的小家伙跌落到危机四伏的地面,他们躲避各种猛兽的袭击,却无法避免成为邪恶猎手捕获的目标。兄弟俩连同其他种类的猫头鹰被抓到神秘的圣鸮学校,他们在这里接受严格的训练,学到不同的技能,而猫头鹰王国沉寂已久的战火即将再次点燃……本片根据凯瑟琳·拉斯基的经典儿童文学作品改编。
回复 :James Benning’s first film called The United States of America was a 1975 trip across the country, capturing its scenery through a car windshield. This second one also crisscrosses the nation, but without a car, carving it up instead into a series of static shots of just under two minutes, one for each state, presented alphabetically, from Heron Bay, Alabama to Kelly, Wyoming. The names of the places are nondescript, but the images attached to them are anything but, immaculately composed shots of landscape, cityscape and the spaces in between. As we move from A to Z, the images coalesce into a portrait of today’s USA, tracing out its fault lines almost in passing: fenced-off facilities, a river bed running dry, factories and refineries, run-down streets and gas stations, a camp under a bridge. The past is there too, seeping up through the songs and speeches that sporadically pierce the background noise or the motifs that evoke a whole career; the clouds, trains and cabins are stand-ins for films, not just states. As always, there’s time for more abstract thoughts too: each image may stand for a state, but representativity is slippery. Which state is more cinematic than the rest?