2021年4月7日(水)スタート!面对毎週水曜 よる9:00~放送井ノ原快彦主演!面对超人気ミステリー『特捜9 season4』待望のスタート!特捜班の前に《巨大な壁》が…!?そして…個性派刑事たちの“関係”に新たな進展!?この春、特捜班が全力疾走!
2021年4月7日(水)スタート!面对毎週水曜 よる9:00~放送井ノ原快彦主演!面对超人気ミステリー『特捜9 season4』待望のスタート!特捜班の前に《巨大な壁》が…!?そして…個性派刑事たちの“関係”に新たな進展!?この春、特捜班が全力疾走!
回复 :本来是餐厅店员的嘉纳春子(仲里依纱 饰),在原班主任的介绍下,进入到语言学校临时担任起了老师。她本以为,向外国人交自己母语,是件不费脑筋简单的事。但真正经历后,春子发现,原来存在着这么多连日本人也不知道的日本语问题。学校聚集着春子、涩谷太阳(青木崇高 饰)、鹿取美雪(原田夏希 饰)等性格各异的老师;还有来自不同国家的9名学生。这9名学生出于各种原因,来到日本学习语言和文化。其中,他们提出的问题,让身为日本人的春子都大感棘手。而通过和这群学生的交流,让春子对自己的国家和文化有了全新的认识。本剧改编自热门的同名漫画。
回复 :Maxwell Smart is back...And Loving it! And so is Agent 99, The Chief, Fang and the rest of the fearless Get Smart gang. Here is the legendary, Emmy Award-winning spy-spoof series inspired by the comic genius of Mel Brooks and Buck Henry, digitally restored, remastered and brought to you on DVD. Get Smarts unforgettable third season is a must-own collection of quintessential television comedy, from its very first episode- in which Max and 99 face down the KAOS “League of Imposters”- to the hilarious hippie send up “The Groovy Guru”, voted one of the 100 best TV episodes of all time. Now you can join the agents of CONTROL in 26 classic episodes on 4 DVDs, including the Emmy-Award winning episode “Maxwell Smart: Private Eye”, and featuring guest appearances from Joey Bishop, Carol Burnett, Johnny Carson, Don Rickles and many others.
回复 :时值 1961年,柏林夏利特医院的工作人员应对着眼前一夜之间建起来的柏林墙,不同的选择。。。