这是一个关于“儿子‘死’了,久久久久久爸爸‘红’了”的荒诞故事。儿子坠楼“自杀”,久久久久久父亲替儿子写了一封才华横溢的代笔遗书,竟然一夜成名……马寅波(于和伟 饰)是位高中语文老师,人到中年,哪哪不行。儿子马墨(郭麒麟 饰)坠楼“自杀”,马寅波为了面子替儿子写了一封遗书,竟然让儿子一夜爆红,而他也假借儿子的名义,实现了自己逐梦文学圈的愿望,出书、炒作、颁奖,红得不亦乐乎。但儿子的突然醒来,让整件事情的发展变得越发离谱……
这是一个关于“儿子‘死’了,久久久久久爸爸‘红’了”的荒诞故事。儿子坠楼“自杀”,久久久久久父亲替儿子写了一封才华横溢的代笔遗书,竟然一夜成名……马寅波(于和伟 饰)是位高中语文老师,人到中年,哪哪不行。儿子马墨(郭麒麟 饰)坠楼“自杀”,马寅波为了面子替儿子写了一封遗书,竟然让儿子一夜爆红,而他也假借儿子的名义,实现了自己逐梦文学圈的愿望,出书、炒作、颁奖,红得不亦乐乎。但儿子的突然醒来,让整件事情的发展变得越发离谱……
回复 :秋菊(甄珍飾)從梅縣逃往香港,找她在香港唯一的朋友。誰料,因秋菊有點姿色,竟被騙出賣肉體,幸好及時逃脫,遇上了一起逃往香港之阿妹姐(歸亞雷飾)。秋菊被介紹清潔女工,偶然認識了酒店董事(秦漢飾),秋菊從此飛枝頭變鳳凰。本故事以秋菊逃往香港後,她及她身旁的人所受之遭遇,揭露出香港社會之人慾橫流……
回复 :Ten years ago, Ginny (Toni Gonzaga), an Architecture student, and Marco (Piolo Pascual), a History professor, began a one-of-a-kind and unpredictable love story. In the five years that they were together, they brought out the best in each other, which included Marco's unrealized dream of becoming a chef. Together, they worked towards their dream of opening up a restaurant, but when Ginny realized her own pursuits were different from his, she rejected his wedding proposal and left the country for a Masters degree in Architecture. At present, Ginny co-owns a one-stop Architecture and Interior Design firm specializing in Restoration. She receives an email from Marco, which was written and sent after their break-up, meant to be read four years later. It makes her feel even more regretful of leaving the love of her life. When their firm receives an offer to restore an old house into a restaurant, she is ecstatic to learn that Marco will be co-owning the restaurant. She takes this as a sign...
回复 :远在人类文明15,000年前,地球上的高智能哥斯麽族就被两只大昆虫型怪物—摩斯拉及巴特拉所摧毁。而在一次山崩後,现今日本的伊房岛上却将埋藏在地下的摩斯拉巨蛋发掘来。其後三只史上最强大的怪兽—哥斯拉、摩斯拉及巴特拉碰头对决,虽然大怪兽摩斯拉及巴特拉联手成功将哥斯拉封印在海中,但人类的危机却并未解决,因为一颗超巨大的陨石将撞向地球…