回复 :美国一处理想中的郊外社区,贝瑞特一家生活于此。女主人莱丝(凯丽·拉塞尔 Keri Russell 饰)美丽端庄,是一名干练的地产中介;男主人丹尼尔(乔什·汉弥尔顿 Josh Hamilton 饰)则正处在事业的瓶颈期,心中充满焦灼和不安。两个儿子杰西(达科塔·高尤 Dakota Goyo 饰)和山姆(卡丹·洛吉特 Kadan Rockett 饰)顽皮可爱,感情笃深。某个夜晚,贝瑞特家通往院子的拉门被打开,冰箱内的食物被人弄得乱七八糟。似乎从这一天起,种种异状便接连在这户人家出现。小山姆声称有外星人来到家中,但贝瑞特夫妇以及保全人员似乎却将家中一系列事件当作孩子的恶作剧。怪事愈演愈烈,远远超出孩子所能操控的范畴,真相究竟如何……
回复 :As a medical team tries to understand 10-year-old Maya Kowalski's rare illness, they begin to question her parents. Suddenly, Maya is in state custody - despite a family desperate to bring their daughter home.
回复 :Whitney Cameronn (Cotten), a man with a strong affection for his sister-in-law (Peters). When one of her stepchildren dies, it's revealed that the child was poisoned to death. Whitney suspects his sister-in-law committed the murder and is afraid that her other son may be in danger. The film climaxes during an ocean voyage aboard a cruise ship.