最好Gaetan Dugas was openly gay. In early 1980s he contracted what was termed "gay cancer". He provided blood samples and 72 names of his former sex partners. Dugas was demonized for his promiscuity and wrongfully identified as patient zero. (IMDb)
最好Gaetan Dugas was openly gay. In early 1980s he contracted what was termed "gay cancer". He provided blood samples and 72 names of his former sex partners. Dugas was demonized for his promiscuity and wrongfully identified as patient zero. (IMDb)
回复 :“诅咒录像带”的传言甚嚣尘上,人们既好奇又恐惧,然而始终无人了解山村贞子的身世和悲惨经历:贞子(仲間由紀恵 饰)的母亲志津子(雅子 饰)即是一个灵能者,最终却死状凄惨。继承了母亲的灵能力的贞子生活中同样充满坎坷,长大后她辗转来到东京,在名为“飞翔”的剧团努力打拼。不久,剧团当家花旦叶月爱子(奥貫薫 饰)离奇身亡,贞子则匪夷所思取代了她的位置。因其与生俱来的诡异神秘气质,贞子受到团员的猜疑和疏离,唯有负责音响效果的远山博(田辺誠一 饰)对她心存友善。只是,渺小不堪的温暖无法拯救贞子悲惨的人生……本片根据鈴木光司原作改编,是《午夜凶铃》系列的第三部。
回复 :位于挪威西部的Åknes与Hegguraksla山脉虽然景色怡人,但是山体的不稳定也留下了巨大的安全隐患。一旦山体滑坡,就会造成巨大的海啸。人们早已在为此担心,直到有一天它终于发生了。山体滑坡造成了高达85米的巨型海啸,即将让挪威从地图上消失。一名地质学家预知了这一切,必须开始一场和时间的赛跑。
回复 :Newly declassified hard drives taken from the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed reveal a groundbreaking look at his personal life.