回复 :一部以儿童为主题创作的现实主义作品。描写了乡村儿童与老师之间的故事,让读者一步步走进那些远离父母的乡村孩子的心田。
回复 :A sassy parrot and a free-spirited librarian upend the well-ordered life of a solitary man. Lyman (Jackson Hurst) is a loner, working the graveyard shift for the Courtesy Patrol. When a green parrot flies in to his trailer he becomes obsessed with finding its owner, which leads him to Fiona(Rachel Nichols). She has been eyeing Lyman from a distance and decides to help with his parrot search, whether he wants her to or not. Along with her basset hound, they set out on a quest to find the bird’s previous owners and Fiona begins to unravel the mysteries of Lyman's past. But when Fiona joins Lyman on his nightly rounds, she witnesses a reality more intense than the romantic version she had envisioned.
回复 :赫拉的女祭司阿尔克墨涅惹恼了天神宙斯,宙斯化身为她的丈夫安菲特律翁,使她怀有了身孕。先知预言阿尔克墨涅将生下双胞胎儿子,其中一个是宙斯的儿子,那正是赫拉克勒斯。赫拉克勒斯长大成人后,并未显现出过人之处,常常受到王子们的嘲笑。在马人喀戎的教导和潜心苦炼后,终于显出天生神力和勇猛的一面,杀死了双头蛇许德拉后,他成为了底比斯人景仰的英雄,然而潜藏在他身边的危机却步步紧逼,让他无路可退。赫拉克勒斯中了墨伽拉和阿尔克墨涅的计,失手杀死了自己的三个儿子。为了寻找救赎,他听从德尔菲神谕的指引,为欧律斯透斯和墨伽拉完成六件差事。凭借过人的勇气和力量,历尽艰险与困境,赫拉克勒斯一次又一次完成了任务,赢得了民心,成了百姓心中的大英雄。