回复 :In this new three-part series, Simon Reeve travels across the world's biggest country, Russia. On the centenary anniversary of the Russian Revolution, Simon's journey will take him from the snow-capped volcanoes of the far east, through some of the remotest parts of our planet, to the great cities of the west, Moscow and St Petersburg.Along the way he encounters an extraordinary cast of characters including reindeer herders living in extreme temperatures, the former traffic cop whose followers believe he is the reincarnation of Jesus, Cossack law enforcers and a cheese entrepreneur beating western sanctions. As well as braving conditions in some of most extreme places in the world, Simon and the team also experience first-hand what it's like filming in Putin's Russia when the team are repeatedly followed and detained by Russian authorities.
回复 :城市里,普通市民陈小迪一家,生活平静无忧。刚毅勇敢的爸爸陈卫霖,难抵丰厚现金大奖的诱惑,带着一家老少参加“全家总动员”。敏捷灵活的大迪、马脚百现的小迪,肥胖臃肿的妈妈、鬼马精灵的奶奶都加入到“陈氏家庭猛士战队”。胜券在握,勇猛的爸爸却被一只小刺猬玩偶吓出了魂魄。大奖没得到,却得来“史上最胆小爸爸”的大名。伤心的小迪提议去找寻传说中的“霍格特”王国,那里有可以吃掉“不开心记忆”的神秘大雪球。阴差阳错中,全家到了奇妙的动物王国。这里,小鸟可以讲人话、动物可以审判人类!经历生死逃亡的小迪一家终于找到了传说中的大雪球,可先行一步的爸爸竟然全然失忆,全家老少转眼成了陌生路人。小迪一家的命运如何?
回复 :故事发生在2018年的东京,彼时,魔术已经获得了社会的认可,成为了人们日常生活中的一部分,魔术使们亦融入了人类群体之中,不再是令人感到惧怕的异类。与此同时,利用魔术而犯下的罪案也在日益增多,当一位魔术使遭到逮捕,为他辩护的律师人们称他们为“魔弁士”。蝴蝶法律事务所拥有着一批业内最优秀和最正直的魔弁士。年纪轻轻却前途无量的须藤圣知(田边留依 配音)、崇尚法治和纪律,外冷内热的穂樽夏菜(真堂圭 配音)、个性开朗略显轻浮的左反衣(大久保瑠美 配音)。在虽然并不会使用魔术,但战斗力却依然强悍的所长蝶野凤蝶(恒松步 配音)的领导下,他们决心利用魔术弘扬法律和公正。